Thursday, September 15, 2005

Story so far...

I always hate starting a new diary or an introduction to something. Right now, I feel as though I'm just about to stand up at one of the breakfast meetings and give my spiel, so here goes.

My name is Helen Dowling and I'm just about to franchise my baby - the company I've nurtured and protected since its creation 2 1/2 years ago. Now though, it's ready to grow up - Exceptional Thinking has become a child!

So, what does ET do? Well we work with start-ups and small businesses helping them to understand their customers, stand out from the competition and grow (or begin) their business. You can find out more about the company and what we do at as this blog is not really about the business, but how I am going to franchise it.

Why did I decided to franchise the company? It all began when I read The E-myth by Michael Gerber - an absolutely amazing book which completely changed the way I thought about ET. It's a book I avoided reading for a long time though because I thought it was about I.T and computers - well it's an easy mistake to make being called The E-myth (ok, it doesn't really take a lot to confuse me).

But when the 3rd person recommended it to me (and I tend to go on the rule of 3), I picked it up and gave it a go and the thought of franchising the business was born.

So this is my story of what I will do to get the franchise up and running...the highs and lows of (who knows what) I will face. I'll post what happens to me on here usually on a weekly basis or whenever something interesting happens.

Bye for now.


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